
Baby, it’s cold outside

To quote the late great Johnny Mercer, ‘baby, it’s cold outside.’ Or at least it was last Wednesday at The Foundry. When we got out of the car, it was 39 degrees with wind gusts of 20+. To get the blood pumping, I issued the disclaimer & then we mosey’d …

It’s All About the Benjamins

“Well done is better than well said.” ― Benjamin FranklinAnother Monday in the books at The Chamber.  Today we had 9 men and 1 K-9 looking to sweat out the frustration of a Saints loss, and also sweat out any celebratory weekend libations of LSU’s win and/or holiday festivities.  Since we …

A great turnout at WPM

First, apologies for the very late BB.   I generally try to get these done relatively soon after, but the days/weeks quickly came up and here we are…… So, on to the important details…. 34 pax including 1 FNG arrived for a beautiful, fall morning at Wolfpack Mountain.  Warmup consisted of a short …

Mountain Music

Conditions: 47 degrees, dry and WINDY First Sub 50 degrees post for this Q who came prepared.  Mosey to open green space for warmup  SSH x 20 IC Arm circles x 15 (front and back) Windmill x 15 Hillbillies x 15 Grass grabbers x 15 Jog to fountain mountain for …

The Freaking Exception (?)

After reading the email this morning, it occurred to me that I may have forgotten something important last week. It wasn’t my wife’s birthday, remembered that. Thanksgiving? Who could forget it. Black Friday? My coffee at uptown PJ’s only cost an arm and half a leg in celebration of Black …

Campus tour

Nine pax arrived on time at the Chamber for my first Q; one of which was an FNG who Gideon brought in after meeting on a plane. The PAX warmed up with head rotations, self love, grass grabbers and general stretching. The PAX then did an Indian run up Elysian …

Delayed Mountain Time

Apologies for the delay but from way back on Friday at Wolfpack Mountain: Pax took off from the North end of Audubon Park at 0530 headed west along St Charles wrapping back around and ending up at the great circle courtyard for quick warmup: – Sidestradlehops; Self Love; Imperial Walkers; …

Ants on the Mountain????

It’s another crisp, cool Friday morning.  The PAX are ready for the Mountain what to do?  Hmmm…we shall see.  With a disclaimer, let’s mosey! Mosey to under the mountain for warm-up all in cadence: IW’s Self-Love Grass Grabbers (Cement Grabbers) Self-Love Toy Soldiers Open-Gates Count off by 1 and 2 …

Lunatic Fringe – We all know you’re out there. But where is Bogey when you need him?

The iconic opening words to the song made famous by the 1985 smash hit “Vision Quest”. Who could forget this iconic scene? Look at those moves! No wonder this movie was so popular! Okay, so perhaps a minor exaggeration on my part as not a single member of the Pax …