
Wisner Mountain 2.0

After Kuch led a heck of a beatdown last week at the Wisner Mountain we discussed moving our AO a little closer to the overpass so we wouldn’t spend quite as much time running to and from the bottom of the overpass. We all agreed to set our AO over …

Swole Fest IV

Mondays at City Park Children’s Museum have become cinder block work-outs with minimal to no running. 8 strong. 35# cinder blocks. Disclaimer. Short mosey, and off we go. Warm-up COP: SSH x 20 IC, IW x 20 IC, Grass grabbers x 10 IC, Arm circles 10 forwards 10 backwards, Windmills …

Loredo at The Foundry

Ten PAX posted in City Park to get their Wednesday off to a good start. On the heels of Memorial Day, YHC thought it would be fitting to incorporate a Hero WOD, especially for those of us that missed The Murph days before. Here’s what went down: Mosey to the …

Everybody H8s Okwata

The Q Sheet has been updated and there is plenty of room to Q Okwata. Join us at the “Wide Water”. Today we reminisced on some of the “Best Of’s” to ever grace the Lakefront Sunrise. W/U Mosey around the fountain > Butt Kicks > Karaoke > High Knees > …

Off on the wrong foot

Over a month ago I opted to sign some of the usual suspects on the Q sheet for The Chamber of Horrors and The Foundry, mostly consisting of members of the highly exclusive Lakeview Clown Car. I tried to be a good citizen and alert Holygrove Tuesday evening on Mumblechatter …

The Wis

Conditions Overcast, 63 F, Feels like 63 F, Humidity 90%, Wind 8 mph from the South The Thang 27 Pax tried a new route today, crossed the Cabrini Bridge and then went over and back on the Wisner overpass.  We ended up on the back side of the track and …