King Kong
King Kong

12-0 at #Rockne City

What a beautiful, cool, crisp day for football. Or at least to celebrate football. So 18 men gathered in the gloom at Pontiff Park in a celebration of Notre Dame’s undefeated season, Rockne style. OK, so maybe 1 man was celebrating Notre Dame’s perfect season, but that man was the …

Rarajipari on WPM

I took the Q this am bc I have been dying to try some Rarajipari after Hawgcycle told me about playing it in City Park for the 610 Stomp. We showed up for a hot 68 degree AM in the gloom.  We had a FNG – (CHIHUAHUA) named after the …

21s on the river

It was cold morning so after dodging a bus on magazine st, we warmed up with twenty ones at the zoo, dips and LBCs. And we went on a leisurely mosey down to the river for some more twenty ones of mericans and real Freddie Mercury’s. The fearless Q bit …