Kenna Brah
Kenna Brah

Cool Breeze at Whoopie

Cooler weather, but still a hot beat down With a fresh core of new blood and the venerable Mahatma, circled up at the concrete area of the levee for Warming the joints 15 each of:Arm Circles fwd/bkwdHill BIlliesImperial WalkersSSHGrass Grabbers Introducing the new guys to 21’sSSH, Abe Vigoda’s, Mountain Climbers …

OverJoyed at The View

YHC arrived at The Joy AO, the coupon component of The View, and found 4 other Pax eagerly awaiting what their Q had planned. With the clock indicating 0530, a brief disclaimer was given, and each Pax was instructed to grab a coupon and head over the levee. Warmup SSH …