Runners, Rucker, and Recoverers—Oh My – from Bolt
Cool in the gloom with a mixed bag of activity: some came to run, some came to ruck, while some came to recover. All came to improve with a dose of the daily red pill. Thanks for the camaraderie. +1
Cool in the gloom with a mixed bag of activity: some came to run, some came to ruck, while some came to recover. All came to improve with a dose of the daily red pill. Thanks for the camaraderie. +1
YHC saw the Rock City Q spot open and having not led at that AO for some time signed up. Weather was 54 degrees with a cool breeze, but not cold. Track was very wet from earlier rain, so no go there. Disclaimer given and mosey to the rock pile …
Twelfth Day of Christmas – Three Kings Day All exercises to be done in multiples of 3 or 12 in recognition of the day Conditions: Damp and 46 degrees 16 PAX strong for a VQ Disclaimer and mosey Warmups (and the start of the whining): 12×2 SSH 12×2 Grass Grabbers …
It’s Sunday New Year’s Day pax scattered here, there and everywhere except no Q for RC on Monday….done and there is a plan. Pulling up hot at the last minute (damn 1st fail of my 2023 resolution) YHC jumps out to join the crowd of pax waiting for direction. Quick …
New Years Eve 2022 Warm up X 22 Or 11 then 11 Scantron stretching SSH AbVagooda Cherry Pickers Mnt Man Poopers 11 silent – keep silent and thoughts focused on following the Q as to transition to exercises: SSH Bend and thrust Merkins High plank Plank Ups VUps Repeat continuously …
YHC has been meaning to Q and to lead for a little while now so when I saw the Q sheet was empty for today I decided to grab it. I also had some songs in mind so I was itching to Q. Warm o Rama with some of the …
Well the backblast is only ***2*** days late.. Fortunately I was not late to my VQ! HawgCycle and I arrived early for some last minute pointers Started off with some warmups: – Side Straddle Hops x 10, – Peter Parkers x10 – Imperial Walkers x 10 – Parker Peters x …
5:29:30 – 9 PAX in the gloom start to realize that our designated Q – who so so boldly announced his Q intentions to the world (or at least to slack) – was going to no-show. YHC looked around and saw Mahatma getting ready to claim the Q. As YHC …
Started out with just YHC and Charmin so we focus on form and mobility. Did some Self Love, Standing Twists, standing windshield wipers over some of the playground equipment. The Thangs: Do 10 pushups at each light pole, followed by lunging to the next light pole for 10 light poles. …
Ultimate 5k Today was the first use of what I called “Klingers revenge” but sounds better as the Ultimate 5k 16 people showed up got a quick warm up with some merkins and side straddle hops Followed by some movement prep Work out follows 100m run 10 merkins 100m run …