
Restless Legs – from Akbar

Restless leg day celebrates those of us, YHC included, who can’t stop shaking a leg while sitting still. Warm up: SSH, Grass Grabbers, arm circles, Self-love,, shoulder claps, other things. Head to the pull-up bars for four sets of 10 pull-ups and 10 hanging leg raises. Moses to the lakefront …

Celeste and Lisa’s Donkey Kick-Off on the Escalator – from Russo

Great Saturday at the Lakefront Warmup (10x – 15x IC) Air presses Torso twists Self love Toe touches Grass grabbers Hillbillies High knees Seal jacks Thang: Mosey down Girod to the trailhead and back, stopping along the way for a round of “the escalator”, aka “Chewy’s Soduku. The concept: 10 …

Ain’t Nuthin’ Lazy About It (Except Maybe The Q) – from Steve

Definitely a lazy Q day. YHC coulda shoulda woulda done something a little more interesting, but hey, they can’t all be winners. Another muggy one, with Jose coming in dripping wet, looking like he just came back from getting some especially hot stock tips from Celeste and Lisa. (Sorry, I …