
The Louisiana PureChest vol. 2: All Dem Teeth and No Teethbrush – from Paradox

Late in the pre-Tuesday Tuff evening, YHC sat amongst the leather bound books and rich mahogany (half drank capri suns and diapers) of his study (kids desk) putting the finishing touches on tommorows beatdown. Expecting an intimate crowd with the fall break absences YHC had planned for 45 minutes of …

The Louisiana PureChest vol. 2: All Dem Teeth and No Teethbrush – from Paradox

Late in the pre-Tuesday Tuff evening, YHC sat amongst the leather bound books and rich mahogany (half drank capri suns and diapers) of his study (kids desk) putting the finishing touches on tommorows beatdown. Expecting an intimate crowd with the fall break absences YHC had planned for 45 minutes of …

“It was a Concept Beatdown” – The AB 20th Anniversary Rolling Stone Interview – from America’s Best

Rolling Stone: So, AB, tell us about this beatdown you just wrapped up. What was the vibe at the AO? America’s Best: I was equally surprised by the wealth of knowledge out there and the lack of flatulence. . . Some mornings are just magical, I guess. We started with …

Burpee, a History Volume 2: To Burpfinity and Beyond – from Paradox

YHC has always loved a good origin story. Forged in radioactive slime or some gamma rays gone wrong? Sign me up. But there’s also a lot of really interesting beauty to be discovered in the story behind the routine and mundane we take for granted. Microwaves , penicillin, Velcro, HoneySuckles …

The (probably not historically accurate) Last Indiana Jones Movie you should Watch – from America’s Best

YHC arrived (almost) last, just in time for Warmarama: SSH And of course, having finished SSH, here comes the straggler… wait… Honeysuckle? Apparently Safety Valve inspires us all in some way or another. On to the rest: Windmills, The arm bundle: Lafayette Night Clubs, arm circles both ways, cherry pickers …