Hokie Pokey
Hokie Pokey

A great turnout at WPM

First, apologies for the very late BB.   I generally try to get these done relatively soon after, but the days/weeks quickly came up and here we are…… So, on to the important details…. 34 pax including 1 FNG arrived for a beautiful, fall morning at Wolfpack Mountain.  Warmup consisted of a short …

Ants on the Mountain????

It’s another crisp, cool Friday morning.  The PAX are ready for the Mountain what to do?  Hmmm…we shall see.  With a disclaimer, let’s mosey! Mosey to under the mountain for warm-up all in cadence: IW’s Self-Love Grass Grabbers (Cement Grabbers) Self-Love Toy Soldiers Open-Gates Count off by 1 and 2 …

Sunday Funday

Nov 3 2019 Once again the Renaissance crew gathered in the gloom. T-claps to Heisenberg who first appeared as a small dot at the entrance to the park, having rucked for an hour before the meet. Our small but dedicated group circled up and got to it. WARM UP – …

“This isn’t The Stomp!”

YHC arrived early for round two of the Wally Run. This week seven men arrived early to stretch and begin the run. YHC announced we would complete a three-mile loop through the neighborhood and finish with some work on the track. The seven fearless Pax members started off down the …