Hokie Pokey
Hokie Pokey

3 Wise Men – from Hokie

3 Wisemen were seen preparing for His birth by traveling with “gifts” on their back. They traversed from Kenner towards the City and every 10 minutes stopped for 12 squats 18 lunges (December 18th) and 7 legs crossed merkins (as children have their fingers crossed these next 7 days waiting …

Remembering Pearl Harbor on this 80th anniversary of December 18, 1941 – from Hokie

On this day we welcomed Triple Shift, War Eagle, Short Bus, T-Square, McGyver and Netflix to remember and honor Pearl Harbor … on December 7, 1941, the residents of Honolulu, Hawaii, awoke to the sound gun fire. At 8 a.m. that morning, Japanese planes flew over Pearl Harbor – the …