Why run when you can ruck? – from Hokie
The Double Nickel is approaching… Beignet is leaving for Marquette and ROTC in 4 days… We have Pax nursing injuries… And I did not want to run … 6 Pax rucked and walked the Wally Run route 0
The Double Nickel is approaching… Beignet is leaving for Marquette and ROTC in 4 days… We have Pax nursing injuries… And I did not want to run … 6 Pax rucked and walked the Wally Run route 0
8/14/2022 marked my 54th lap around the sun. What better way to start my 54th year than with a Renaissance birthday Q. Warm-up – 20 Imperial Walkers IC, 10 Windmills IC, 54 SSH IC. Mosey toward the lake for 5 minutes of EMOM burpees. Mosey around the lake and stop …
Our tale begins in the spring of 2022 in a small bayou town where a community pharmacy, after taking losses from storm and plague, had great need. After decades of providing vital prescription medicine for those in need, this team of volunteers now searched for the same helping hand. The …
Disclaimer given and a mosey to the rock pile area for a warm-o-rama consisting of typical warmup exercises such as SSH, 4-count Abe Vigodas, MC, PP, IW, and mountain man poopers. PAX were instructed to grab a medium rock, one that could be used for triceps extensions. Rudy felt there …
With Saturday’s 55k looming just a few days out, runners were resting except Pai Gow Meanwhile YHC, Belloq, Beignet & MacGyver did the Wally Mosey through the neighborhood getting Beignet some mileage under weight before his departure for Marquette next Monday. +1
Checking in on Sunday evening and seeing The Scrum needed a Q, I took it Warm-o-rama Slow VIGODA x 15 SSH x 15 Imperial Walkers x 15 The THANG Each round will consist of 1. Approx 30 yard Bernie Sanders 2. Then run back to starting point 3. 8 burpees …
It was the usual hot, humid, and sloppy August morning at El Diablo as 11 PAX assembled, eager to push themselves and their brothers. YHC could tell from the chattiness during the disclaimer that a few audibles were going to be called this morning. After disclaimer, we moseyed to the …
We were fortunate when Ethanol called several weeks ago to let us know he would be down range and would step up to Q As 0450 approached, we were descended upon by a Lakeview car of @Kuch and an FNG, Adam Vondonavich Shortly thereafter my eyes I thought were deceiving …
Ethanol reached out several weeks ago to let us know he was posting down range and loves to Q Warm up at meeting spot Windmill x10 Frankenstein x10 Main event – mosey to parking lot Thunderstruck SSH/burpees Indian merkin line Mosey to shelter Dip/ incline merkin 50/40/30/20/10 With v ups/iron …
Mahatma Mayhem If you are living then there are choices and challenges. We who see our days start at zero dark thirty already made the choice usually the night before in committing ourselves to accountability of not hitting snooze and rolling over in the fart sack…..win #1 and a simple …