Hogs Breath
I just felt like running…. – from Jose10k
Hogs breathe, bbq, and yhc showed up this dreary morning, ready for the crazy Ivan. A simple poll was taken, and we just felt like running. Through the wet streets of Covington, the 3 of us jog at a slow pace. Discussions of family, work, the crazy Ivan, runcajunrun, and …
We all do this, don’t we? – from Waterpik
Today’s beatdown was plagiarized from Hogsbreaths beatdown at the marsh a couple of weeks ago. We all copy workouts, don’t we? Here we go: PAX grabs a cinder block, lines up in a single file line on Lamarque st and starts heading towards the lakefront. Instructions were to walk to …
Dreams Do Come True – A Tribute to MLK – from Akbar
YHC arrived at the Marsh to a cool 32 degrees this morning. While Grover and I sat in the car for a pre-thang warm up, we were not the first to arrive. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a lone figure doing Burpees. At first I …
Playing the hits
After some back and forth as to who would Q The Foundry today, I was summoned by the unwritten F3 by-law that if a Q is unable to attend then I will Q. I think I may need a lawyer for this but Kuch is the one who wrote said …
Excuse Me While I Kiss the Ground
So there we were…how every great story starts…today was the commencement of what will hopefully become an annual CSAUP, Uncle Hammer’s 1000 Burpee Beatdown. First: Special Shoutouts — Jose 10k –DJ Jose had the best possible music, with songs individualized for members of the PAX Moby Dick –Dude’s 71, that’s …
Lest we forget
It was my honor to lead a great group of men this morning as we recognize, remember, and celebrate our Veterans. Whether in times of war or peace, those who have stepped up to serve our country deserve the recognition and praise of all those who call this wonderful country …