Hogs Breath
Hogs Breath

Last Q of the week, let’s take it easy, wait, who’s that coming up the ramp? – from Jose10k

Long week, 2 5ks yesterday, YHC was ready for some Yoga and stretching with Moby. Something simple and light. Then headlights appeared at the bottom of the ramp, Hogsbreath from Slidell came out here to join the group. I get it, no one goes to the Slash Pad anymore. Quarter …

Deja vu!! – from Shooter

YHC rolled up to familiar faces from Granny’s. DR Mee Maw, Steve and Rouse were present. Next thing you know an unfamiliar car comes rolling in and low and behold HogsBreath emerges from a new ride.. With all PAX accounted for we completed a light warmup.. SSH Grass grabbers Toe …

Celeste and Lisa’s Donkey Kick-Off on the Escalator – from Russo

Great Saturday at the Lakefront Warmup (10x – 15x IC) Air presses Torso twists Self love Toe touches Grass grabbers Hillbillies High knees Seal jacks Thang: Mosey down Girod to the trailhead and back, stopping along the way for a round of “the escalator”, aka “Chewy’s Soduku. The concept: 10 …

Back to school. Back to school, to prove to Dad that I’m not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don’t get in a fight. Ohhhh, back to school. Back to school. Back to school. Well, here goes nothing. – from Jose10k

THE THANG: It was a bit cooler this morning, 74 degrees to start an Epic “Back to School Beatdown” We moseyed over the top of the stairs and YHC presented the white board. Time to go back to school and do the Billy Madison. Each grade represented an exercise and …

It is done! – from Shooter

Well the Scramble has lost some excitement from the previous weeks numbers, however 6 HIMs still took the red pill 💊 on this beautiful Gloom. With 7 days remaining for RCR and every man having different goals to finish. YHC made sure to at least give each man 4.33 miles …