High Rise
High Rise

Creating Some Steam

After traveling for 2 weeks hitting AOs in Houston and Phoenix, I was looking forward to being back with my local brothers. After Saturday’s beat down, QIC was reviewing the sign up sheet and saw a need…..so on this balmy morning of gloom it’s time to create some steam! After …

Loose as a Goose

It’s always stimulating to start of the week with an F3 beatdown first thing Monday morning. So when 5:30am hit, I issued the disclaimer and we set off to mosey to the track Once at the track, we did a dynamic stretching warmup that consisted of: High knees Butt kicks …

Mediocrity loves comfort

On this beautiful day 35 years ago I was born, what better way to celebrate my birthday than with my fellow PAX for a beat down. The clock stuck 5:30am, I proceed with the disclaimer which included a quote that really got me thinking the previous night “Mediocrity loves comfort”. …

Party at Okwata

There was excitement oozing from GroupMe yesterday in anticipation of the party at Okwata. Bones was trying to draw the uptown crowd in. The lakeview clown car(s) all showed up! 16 Pax joined YHC on the lakefront to celebrate the day a legend was born. Brief disclaimer, then a mosey …

Foundry McDeuce

13 men arrived at the Foundry on a really beautiful May morning. Clear skies, cool, sun rising. Days like this really make you appreciate the beauty in the world, and make getting out of bed worth it. Enjoy it while it lasts fellas, because the heat is coming. A disclaimer …

Running With Scissors

I had been looking forward to this (1 day after) Birthday Q. Since I am a Physical Therapist I wanted to introduce a few exercises that I have my patients perform in the clinic or suped-up modifications of those exercises. I had considered using the great lawn for a portion …