
Strength in Repetition

My first attempt at a MuscleShip beatdown was today and a bit out my comfort zone. This is given the effort of not incorporating running (which I love so much). But we did, and needless to say this eventually adds up to a number of repetitions and exercises and counting…. …

The 4th F is for “Fun”

The early moring parade goers in Mid-City were treated to some sweet F3 eye candy on Saturday for the 4th annual Mardi Gras Mambo aka Endymion Run.  Our krewe consited of 22 PAX eager to start the day off right and get in the carnival spirit.  YHC had stewed on …

The Running Ship

Today’s the day for the inaugural Muscle Ship at City Park, so YHC decided to emphasize the difference between the workouts – for one day, the Mothership became the Running Ship. As the 15 PAX gathered in the gloom (after a brisk 3 mile pre-thang run) YHC gave notice that …

610 Stomp VQ

Abacus, Heisenburg, Woz, Hokie Pokie We met inspire of the rain for a 610 Stomp – out for 20 and back for 20 stopping every 6 minutes for 10 Burpees. Heisenburg & Woz went for a much longer run than Abacus & Hokie Pokie but we all pushed through the …

ND and the Ladder of Despair

The PAX are all painfully aware of YHC’s deep love affair with the Irish, and all things related to Notre Dame. The PAX are also fond of pointing out the flaws in my beloved Irish – “What a cupcake schedule”, and “You should join a conference”. This year’s CFB Playoff …

Last Mothership of 2018

With the end of the year approaching I wanted to finish the year strong with a good beat down at the Mothership. This would be my 150th workout of the year. Having started F3 on Feb. 2nd at WPM, I have come a long way, and all for the better. …

Spartacus II….again…

DISCLAIMER, let’s mosey… COP: -SSH x 20 IC -IW x 20 IC -Mt Climbers x 20 IC -Arm Circles x 20 IC (10 ea. dir.) Grab a rock, medium, one you won’t drop on your head…Let’s mosey to the shelter (cuz it has benches).  With a timer: 1 min exercise …