
#F3Counts – from Hawgcycle

Conditions: Perfect – Clear and 65 degrees. 83% humidity. Wind from the ENE at 4 m/h Pax: Belloq, Fastest of Taxes, Glitter Balls, HG, Heisenberg, Hokie, Mahatma, Pool Boy (FNG), Tiny Dancer, Triple Shift, Vagabond, War Eagle, YHC Warm-Up • SSH x 30; Imperial Walkers x 20; Don Quixote x …

BALL BUSTER – from Fast Tax

Nine PAX braved the spooky gloom on All Hallows Eve and joined YHC at Rock City. Warmups were a sprinkle of typical moves with a few Fast Tax favorites: Grass Grabbers, SSHs, Manatee, Swan Dives, and everyone’s favorite – Crab Merkins. Sufficiently warmed, we picked out our medium to heavy …

Burpeepalooza – from Bolt

An empty Q sheet required the site AO to take charge and ensure the PAX got their promised burpee count on this brisk Friday. Disclaimer given and mosey to the field for warmorama, Rapper’s Delight edition. The concept would be simple: musically driven burpees with various exercises between the chorus …