
Rolling Stones

Since the Rolling Stones didn’t get to play Jazz Fest, it was only appropriate to pay them homage. Not to mention, Rudy was back from “surgery”, kind of like Mick Jagger. Did you see Jagger’s dance moves after heart surgery? Yeah, we didn’t get that from Rudy today. Warmup:Side straddle …

Spartacus II…yet again

DISCLAIMER, let’s mosey…Grab a rock, medium, one you won’t drop on your head…Let’s mosey to the shelter (cuz it has benches and a lovely aroma). Published by RY – due to Amnesty’s technical difficulties. Clearly I need to post at Rock City – so many PAX I haven’t posted with …

Reading emails…

YHC is not always on the forefront of technology.  Frankly, for all its so-called convenience, it makes us slaves to drudgery and loses the connections that count.  Some call it old, but remember it could be #Respect.  Anyway, thanks to the SkyQ, around 5am this morning, YHC read Reluctant Yankee’s …

RC was “Peachless”

No doubt it was a LONG fun weekend for many PAX – especially those working the Hogs for the Cause BBQ fund raiser. All we can assume is that after “BARKING” for team Deswine Intervention – Peaches was canned! Monday was cold and with the PAX restless realizing Peaches was …

Don’t Lose Left Eye

After losing Left Eye last week, I was offered redemption. Left Eye saw I had the Q at Rock City, and was kind enough to give me another shot. 24 men arrived in the dark gloom of Pontiff, without lights, for a beatdown in the dark and damp. Bogey suggested …

43 going on 44

23 PAX posted in the the dark at Rock City. The effects of the time change were felt as I tried to wake up and get ready to make the trek to Metairie. It was still so dark I could barely see who all had shown up in the dark …

NO Spartacus For You

We were fortunate it started to rain harder as 16 men gathered around the SF and one, Abacus, was running the track. (I’m missing one name. Let me know who and I’ll update this BB) DISCLAIMER and let’s mosey.  There was a lot of disappointment we weren’t doing Spartacus, but the pax …