
5 Card Studs

Conditions:  Dry, 48 degrees Warm-up:  Jog to the Rock Pile; SSH x 20; Peter Parkers x 20; Low Slow Squats x 20; Parker Peters x 20; Windmills x 10; Dying Cockroaches x 20; Arm Circles x 20; 8-count Body Builders x 12 The Thang: Grab a Rock and Circle Up …

The 300….almost

12 pax arrived for a humid morning at Rock City. Started with the standard disclaimer and an Indian run to parking opposite end of Pontiff. warmup Arm circles x 15 each arm shoulder taps x 20 Ricky balboa in squat position x 20 Hillbillies x 15 Self love x 15 …

Rockless City

On Saturday, YHC discovered that the Q Sheet for Rock City was mysteriously blank for the upcoming beatdown. Knowing that these opportunities do not occur often. YHC jumped at an opportunity to lead his home AO. Since the end of IPC, coupons have been the preferred weight of choice for …

Embrace the Suck

A great turnout at the Uptowner as we had 21 pax come out to enjoy another warm and humid October morning.   When I think back to what initially led me to F3, it was being able to have a great workout that always had a different twist; stepping out of …

Rock City Rocks

YHC hasn’t been at Rock City for few months because of the launch of Sweaty Bells, which is a Sunday workout with kettle bells. Willie and YHC had thought of bringing their kettle bells to a Rock City workout one day but could only imagine the mumble chatter from a …

Jumpin’ Jack Flash

(Belated Post from 7.12.2019) We worked out in a crossfire (almost) hurricane. The PAX howled in the drivin’ rain (sprinkle). But it’s all right now… Warm Up Micro mosey over to Grass Sticker Field. SSH x 20Mountain Climbers x 20Imperial Walkers x 20Grass Grabbers x 20LBCs x 20Self Love x …