Half Nelson
Half Nelson

Partner Up the WPM

28 PAX gathered on this beautiful, calm, cool Friday morning. Still very dark at 5:25 a.m…. but YHC noticed he wasn’t the only one using passports frequently these days… Your Mom’n Dem and Half Nelson traveled ALL THE WAY from Lakeview to Uptown just for this beat down. Seconds later, …

Don’t Lose Left Eye

After losing Left Eye last week, I was offered redemption. Left Eye saw I had the Q at Rock City, and was kind enough to give me another shot. 24 men arrived in the dark gloom of Pontiff, without lights, for a beatdown in the dark and damp. Bogey suggested …

Hamilton v Burr

As many New Orleanians might be aware, Hamilton has been playing at The Saenger for a 3 week run. As many F3ians might be aware, Da Parish and Rudy have a thing for musicals. So of course, the Hamilton workout was an obvious combination. And a plot was hatched – …

Lost Left Eye

8 men arrived at the Foundry in the dark. Sadly, we lost one along the way, but were reunited in the end. The usual disclaimer and off we go. We moseyed down Roosevelt Mall, and stopped half way for the warm-up COP. SSH x 20 IC, IW x 20 IC, …

Sticking to the Classics

YHC and Ya Mom n’dem learned Monday morning as they rode in the Lakeview clown car home from Rock City that Abacus would not be able to Q the Stomp today. Instead of throwing it out to the Mumblechatter in search of a Q, an idea was born: why not …

Hokie Pokey does ABC’s

With Run Ranger Run in full effect, and with the split of the Mother Ship Saturday workout into two Pax’s, Hokie Pokey thought it would be good to get some running in between exercises. Warm up started with a run to the railroad tracks and back with folks circling back …