Half Nelson
Half Nelson

Respect the Mountain

I’m out of practice. Secondary to other commitments I haven’t posted at Wolfpack proper in several months. I underestimated the stairwells, especially the stairwells in June. More on that later. The red Friday workout in honor of Sgt. Joey Bovia from Metairie was planned for the Uptowner. In a clear …

First Timer at Okwata

It wasn’t how YHC planned. It just sort of happened.  Nonetheless, YHC arrived at Okwata in the Lakeview Clown Car on a bright morning, devoid of gloom, ready to lead 16 PAX. Disclaimer issued and a quick mosey to warmup: SSH x 15 ICHill Billies x 15 IC Arm Circles x …

Tank Top Tuesday

Sun’s Out Gun’s out was the Theme for Tuesday at the Stomp. Thanks to Kuch’s idea a few weeks back we were able to get 40% participation this week. Looking forward to more next week! I woke up this morning sore as hell from the Murph so I decided to …

Loose as a Goose

It’s always stimulating to start of the week with an F3 beatdown first thing Monday morning. So when 5:30am hit, I issued the disclaimer and we set off to mosey to the track Once at the track, we did a dynamic stretching warmup that consisted of: High knees Butt kicks …

Running With Scissors

I had been looking forward to this (1 day after) Birthday Q. Since I am a Physical Therapist I wanted to introduce a few exercises that I have my patients perform in the clinic or suped-up modifications of those exercises. I had considered using the great lawn for a portion …