Half Nelson
Half Nelson

This ain’t no democracy

A very very damp morning greeted the PAX, after yesterday’s squall lines rolled through. YHC had done a quick drive by one of the intended workout areas to see whether it was usable, and alas – discovered that it was quite soupy. So perhaps an audible was going to be …

Okwata in the Fall

Or at least it felt that way. The 22 PAX present were treated to 71 degrees and a beautiful sunrise this morning. They were also treated to: LEG DAY. (After Screw Top’s beatdown the previous day, YHC was in no mood for Merkins or Burpees) Mosey to the center of …

No Problemata Tabata

24 person tabata? No problem! We’ll head to they gym today and use the stairs. WARM UPSide straddle hopWind millsGrass grabbersLow slow squatsMountain climbersPeter Parkers JLo’sBox cuttersFlutter kicks Tabata (40 second workout, 20 second rest, 8 times) Divide into 3 groups, each group takes a workout (decline pushups on the Gym …

Repeat Miles

Now that we switched to every other week for the “Danger Zone” Monday Speed work out, even more of a reason to make each beatdown count. My first Q for Danger Zone, but not a stranger to speed workouts. Overall good showing for a Monday after a holiday break, the …

Blame Abacus

While determining Clown Car participants for The Foundry on Tuesday night it was realized that Abacus was listed as the Q but he has been unable to attend beatdowns lately. So after some discussion of who would Q, your resident relief Q stepped up again. Given the late timing of …


Brick /brik/ Dictionary.com defines it as a small rectangular block typically made of fired or sun-dried clay, used in building. YHC defines it as a small rectangular block to be used in workouts to accentuate the PAX experience YHC loaded up the trunk of the car with 40 bricks. Thinking …

F3 Quantum Physics

Eighteen PAX posted this Wednesday to get their F3 fix at The Foundry. Lots of usual pleasantries exchanged as well as some chirping from the peanut gallery as the troops assembled. Nothing fancy in store, just some old and new variations of the tried and true stuff that would hopefully …

The 10 Gassers Challenge

YHC was happy to return from his week long absence due to a family trip to Disney World. While it may be the happiest place on Earth, I feel that everyone with small kids who takes them there will agree that it’s not a vacation, it’s a trip. I’ll leave …