
The Merkin Trap, Episode 4: The Search for Plutonium – from Akbar

Admiral Gail Akbar of the Mon Calamari returns to the Northshore Mothership once again, to fight another battle against Darth Fartsack and the Sad Clown Empire. His secret mission this trip is to investigate the galactical mystery of Plutonium, reportedly found in the NOLA area by some beast named Hawgcycle. …

51 – from Akbar

Another year in the books as YHC turned 51, joined by 8 HIM who woke up early Monday morning – some after Sunday’s Nightmare Before Christmas. The theme was 51 on paper, 5 sets, 5 exercises 10 reps each, with the last exercise being a 10 second hold. Sometimes paper …

Fall Back – from Steve

Talk about a dark warmorama. About the only definable figure I could make out was, well nobody, really, since Shooter wasn’t there. Of course I knew Jose was present from the early morning grumbling, but the rest of the crew were shrouded in mystery. Given such circumstances, YHC delivered a …

Grundy Shrugged – from TurboTax

It took a good thirty minutes, but Grundy eventually shrugged…or groaned…or exhaled loudly. Sources later confirmed that Grundy experienced a little fatigue at this point in the beatdown. It made YHC feel good. Honestly. At any rate, 11 PAX posted in the Gloom this morning. We warmed up with burpees, …