
I got a fever……

T-Claps to the south shore and north shore pax who completed the Tough Mudder. The mumble chatter is that no obstacles were skipped and major injuries were avoided.  The mothership at the Lakefront was 5 strong including Rev Socks and Hog Sickle from the south shore. Honorable mention the Hog …

Run for the Hills

Beautiful morning at The Gipper.  Six men strong.  Glad to see Astro and Grundy back in action. Warmup with Seal Jacks, Windmills, Squats, Merkins all 20x IC. Mosey to the Landing for a Ring of Fire.  Merkins, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Plank Jacks, and T Stands between plank walks around …

Valentine’s Day Massacre

Madness has officially descended upon the Northshore PAX.  At first, it was easy to blame Captain Sparkles and Bushwacker, who, like tyrannical taskmasters, drove the PAX to run ever-increasing distances.  But eventually we must all shoulder the blame for the insanity, with Shooter, EiEi, and YHC taking things a step …

Super Bowl Saturday

A little foreplay, a short disclaimer and then off to the races this morning on Super Bowl Saturday. 52 reps of Seal Jacks, Mountain Climbers and Imperial Walkers, all in cadence, for a warmup. Mosey to the first COP for: 10 count Al Gore, 10 copperhead squats, and 10 vertical …

Is it a sign?????

In the gloom this past Saturday morning, we had 6 pax show up for the beat down. Could this be a sign that the Patriots will be winning their SIXTH Superbowl Championship this upcoming weekend. Who knows maybe the Eagles will win their second superbowl. It is about time. The …

Return at the Gipper

Returning to the Gipper on this Gloom without the beanies and mittens also produced the return of Grundy and Moby from IR. Welcome back F3 brothers. While the PAX on the the Northshore have many AOs to choose, if your QIC had a choice of only (1) F3 beatdown  by …