
The Day Time Stood Still

For those individuals who showed up (the few, the proud, the elite) and didn’t break the first rule of the Northshore F3 rulebook of not skipping Mondays, this beatdown will not soon escape their minds. It was a beatdown that made it seem as if time stopped working. A day …

Burps in the Oak grove

“Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.” -Jerry Seinfeld 10 pax met up Saturday morning for a nice beat down on the lakefront. Yada, yada,yada… Prethang 6:10-6:30 mosey west and back to shovel flag… the thang: warm-up: SSH, mt. Climbers, IW x 20 IC mosey to …

El Cinco de Dolor y Miseria

Well, as they say… that happened.  The FBI physical fitness test pre-thang Q’d by Grundy started promptly at 0545 as promised, but it would require a prodding Bushwacker to keep this thing on schedule.  You see, until this morning, none of us (least of all Grundy) realized just how patriotic …

to be continued…..

Instruction received from a previous email posted by Northshore core Turbo who by the way will probably post a .5 on the ISI for his pre thang run sparked this Q to dive into the Lexicon in preparation for the Gipper beatdown. Had I known the astronomy lesson would incur …

They came in WAVES

It was a good showing this morning with 8 men posting at the resurgent Milestone Marsh. Warmarama: SSH GM WM -all IC x 20 Workout/ Thang: Circle Up at Half Court for some WAVE ACTION: Merkin Wave to 200 Shoulder Tap Wave to 100 Plank Jack Wave to 100 Burpee …

Got a spare???

The beautiful weather brought the largest group of pacs that we have seen a while at the Mothership. We had 15 total including three FNG’s. I am glad that I brought some coupons with me, so that I would not dissapoint. Warm-Up SS Hops-25 IC, Seal Jacks- 25 IC, IMW’s-25 …

Carpe Diem Convergence

The F3 Nation knew about YHC before YHC knew about the F3 Nation.  You see, YHC’s brother-in-law, Lynchpin, lives in Charlotte.  In the early days, before the F3 Nation planted its flag in NOLA, Lynchpin routinely and enthusiastically regaled YHC with stories of legendary beatdowns and CSAUPs, tongue in cheek …

Mastering the 8-Count

Warm Up: Toe Touches, Good Mornings, Windmills, SSH’s, Toy Soldiers, Seal Jacks, Sister MK’s, all IC at or around 20x. The Thang: Mosey East towards the Lakefront playground, hitting a series of 8-count exercises at each cross street: 1st 20x 8-Count Bodybuilders 2nd 15x 8-Count Absolutions 3rd 10x 8-Count Bodybuilders, …