
By The Numbers

It was supposed to be a Cowbell beatdown. YHC brought gloves, as I imagined it’d likely be something tough… maybe a lazy Dora… maybe a merkin ladder as a warm-up. One of those beatdowns that’s a constant push, no 10 counts, pouring Shooter-eque sweat in the first 5 minutes. No …

1 Mile Time Trial

Writing this in a hurry, so i’ll keep it short and sweet. 9 pax gathered this beautiful gloom for the first 1 mile time trail. YHC has had this on his mind for a long time to set a baseline for himself as well as the rest of the pax. …


Blame Akbar.  This was his doing, really.  His “block party,” (henceforth known as ‘Akbar’s Abomination’) – which was preceded by Tank’s Murph – pretty much guaranteed that Saturday’s beatdown would focus on legs and core.   But first, the pre-thang : the usual 2 miles out and back with the …

Full-On Irish Beatdown

Inspired by St. Patrick’s use of a shamrock to explain the mystery of the Trinitarian God, we soothed our anxious souls in the gloom this morning with a full-on Irish, trinitarian beatdown. Warm-ups were SSH, Seal jacks, arm circles, Windmill’s IW’s, high knees, and butt kicks. Then, after a moseyed …

Leg Day

Still smarting from the Downpainment put forth on the Lakefront by Akbar on Saturday, YHC was looking for a reprieve from upper extremity soreness to start the week. So, with that in mind, LEGS were the order of the day. Mosey to Lakefront stopping at each intersection for: Jump squats, …