
What’s your function…

7 #HIM showed up at the Fly on an unusually nice, Summer Sunday morning for a Sweaty Bells workout.  YHC has been thinking a lot about functional fitness lately.  How can we bring more functional fitness to the PAX?  Well, the Kettle Bells provide a unique opportunity.  I’m thinking Farmer’s …

Holy Grove….on three!!

Wolfpack Mountan…First Wolfpack Q in a while. YHC intended to make it memorable with the goal of 5 “mountains” (in NOLA-below-sea-level parlance). If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain. WARMUP Standard disclaimer this morning plus a reminder to sweep the six for this running workout. The Pax then moseyed onto …

Wakin’ & Bakin’

With the HNJ Dads at fantasy camp & a farewell to Smooth at Renaissance, only three PAX were up for Sweaty Bells this morning. Nonetheless the beat down must go on. Disclaimer (no FNGs) and a warm-up of SSH x10 without Gabby as he rolled in hot. Arm-circles x10 both …

Maiden Voyage

Eager to mark our territory with a trail of sweat, 14 PAX, aka privateers, gathered this Monday for a maiden voyage in the uncharted waters of northern 70122, and area deep with nautical history.  This would be a test run to check out the area and also see what interests there …

No Fancy names today….

No fancy name but hopefully a little pain; that was the mantra going into my VQ. 12 Pax braved the heat and humidity of an August morning to get better physically and mentally.   Throughout the week leading up to the big event, I went back and forth thinking, “Would the …

Levee Lovin’

We circled up along the Mighty Mississippi. Two minutes after getting ready with our first COP – a barely clothed couple frantically scampered up the levee and ran to their car. Young love. We were perplexed as to why they chose the rocky side of the levee instead of the …

Halfway to 70

Can’t think of a better way to spend the day after my birthday than getting sweaty with a bunch of dudes. I never thought I would feel better at 35 than I did at 25. I owe it all to F3 and all of you guys for giving me a …