
Who Dat!

Many PAX were hurting after celebrating a Saints Victory, and yet 19 men gathered in the gloom for a Monday Morning Beatdown. Warmup: Run around golf loop to bandstand SS Hop x 20 Arm Circles x 10 each Forward and Backwards (with Seaman voice from the Pax) Grass Grabber x …

Failing Upwards

These warm, thick, moist ( I said it) Southern mornings seem to stretch in front of and behind us without variation. It’s unmistakable. That feeling, the transition, of stepping from your front door (that sweet clean cool conditioned air) into the physical force of warm jell-o that is the south. …

9/11 Stair Climb #2

The first known 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb event occurred on September 11, 2003 during “Operation Enduring Freedom” in Parwan Province, Afghanistan. Albuquerque Fire Department Lieutenant Charles Cogburn scaled a two story building 55 times wearing body armor, a helmet and an M-4.  Lt Cogburn returned home and on the following September 11th (2004) the climb was …

Friday 13th

Thirty something men assembled in the gloom under a full moon to celebrate Friday the 13th. Apparently the next time a full moon falls on Friday the 13th is 2049 so I hope y’all enjoyed it. I also hope Jadaveon will remeber all of us when he is the sole …


I have been to many F3 workouts over the past 21 months, all of which have been great in their own way. But this time I was hoping to do something a little different. At a sales meeting earlier this year, my company had an 80’s themed party that my …

Four play Fore

There were no holes-in-one, but this is two backblasts-in-one… FIRST: Typical turnout at Wolfpack Mountain with a sub-krewe of ruckers showing up for their training. Those compact packs easily outweigh a fully stocked golf bag. Serious respect. Quick warm-up with SSH, mountain climbers, grass grabbers, and then mosey to WPM. …