
Classic Muscleship

12 pax gathered on a perfect Saturday morning after Thanksgiving to burn off all the excess indulgence from earlier in the week.  YHC was volunteered to Q and happily accepted to lead the pax for a Muscleship beatdown.  The pax started off with a jog to Wisner and back to the …

A great turnout at WPM

First, apologies for the very late BB.   I generally try to get these done relatively soon after, but the days/weeks quickly came up and here we are…… So, on to the important details…. 34 pax including 1 FNG arrived for a beautiful, fall morning at Wolfpack Mountain.  Warmup consisted of a short …

The Freaking Exception (?)

After reading the email this morning, it occurred to me that I may have forgotten something important last week. It wasn’t my wife’s birthday, remembered that. Thanksgiving? Who could forget it. Black Friday? My coffee at uptown PJ’s only cost an arm and half a leg in celebration of Black …

Swingers Style Football

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” –Vince Lombardi Cool and crisp morning a few Saturdays ago at The Muscleship, perfect conditions for a beatdown.  Six men posted, ready to get better.  T-claps to SOGO for getting in a pre-run w/weighted vest beforehand…#beast!  Lots of good football …

Gentle prodding

16 guys assembled in the gloom a month back. Yankee reminded me this morning about how backblasts are one of the tenets of F3. Like no burpees on monday. The Warmup Mosey to grass in front of zoo SSHX? Arm circles forward and reverse. On yo’ face for PP, MC, …