French Horn
French Horn

The First(and Probably Last) F3 Presidential Fitness Test – from French Horn

Four Score and 7 years ago, the founders of our nation based the core values of our nation on brotherhood, democracy, equality(eventually we got there), and most importantly; athletics. The first presidential fitness test was started by the legendary Dwight D. Eisenhower, the GOAT of World War Generals. The test …

Down Here, it’s Our Time: A Story of Revolution, Nerds, and Kumquats – from Yankee Joe

Over the course of history, man has always been restless, chafing under any force that threatens his most sacred right: Freedom. We’ve seen the proletariat rise up against Louis XIV in France, the Bolsheviks tear down the republic to establish communist Russia, and American colonists rail against the tyranny of …

Catch Me If You Can Handle the Heat: Featuring 21s and Dora 1-2-3 – from Goats in the Machine

The 5 PAX arrived, ready to take on whatever the Exicon had in store for them. Goose led us through a thorough warm-up to get the blood flowing and muscles loosened up. Thang 1: “Catch Me If You Can” PAX were partnered and thruppled up in the field between The …