
Okwata – Physical Fury

Okwata – there is no AO more unpredictable!  This time of year is a crapshoot as to weather but when you sign up to Q you get rolling either way! 11 men showed up to the lakefront to work.  After a short disclaimer Triple Shift and his buddy (one day to …

The 4 Frozen Horsemen

Winter is here.  But that didn’t stop 4 hardy PAX from appearing on the angry shores of Okwata, where the winds were howling.  YHC’s car said 37 degrees.  Alas, YHC’s car does not have a wind-chill measurement; perhaps that is for the best.  Somethings are best left unknown.  5:30 arrives, …

War Eagle VQ

Pre-Thang: Over the last three months, YHC has quietly sat back an observed all that is F3. Trying to explain F3 to family and friends makes YHC sound like he joined a cult. “Yea, so me and a bunch of random guys I  don’t know show up early in the …

Partnering in the dark

6:30 am on the last day before Daylight Savings Time ends is, surprisingly at least to YHC, quite dark.  YHC had plans that included moseying through the forest over to the track – its been a while since we hit the track at the Mothership – but decided to improvise …

Teamwork makes the DREAM WORK!

Your QIC had a really rough week with work and dealing with trolls on Social Media.  It’s crazy how people act so ugly and with such vitriol, when behind a computer screen and it has bled over into face to face encounters.  After witnessing the unraveling of civility in our society …

Campus Tour

Twenty NOLA regulars trickled in as we hit 05:30. The disclaimer was given and we were off. First stop was the terrace at St.  Charles and Calhoun for a quick warmup. 10 Burpees at the bottom, 20 LBC’s at the top and 30 Squats on the side. Rinse and repeat. …