Flaming Lips
Flaming Lips

MISTLETOE, part deux (F3 traditional arr. By Sandbar, at a Caroling Pace) – from Sandbar

Pax were forewarned that by the end of the beatdown, they would be the jolliest bunch of a-holes this side of the nut house. Mosey down St. Charles and back to Loyola. Warmups in front of the crèche. SSH, grassgrabbers, windmills. PAX divided into 4 groups, each had to select …

Aloha Bells

Cool morning at 6:30 zoo parking lot. Workout began with a custom F3 Hawaii playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2N2sjLjUJN4klBJb334C1z Warm up SSH Calf stretch Arm circles front, back, chinook, Moroccan Nightclub Farmers carry to the fly with intervals of one-armed curls ten in each side, one armed walking presses ten on each side …

Thank you F3

Cool temps greeted the PAX under the still starlit gloom at The Birdcage. 13 HIM took on a beatdown that someone referred to as “Old School”, and somebody else said was “Intense”. Interestingly I often find that Qing a beatdown actually adds some immunity to the difficulty. I don’t know …


It was the second day of Run Ranger Run and the PAX were motivated. 6 of us showed for an hour long run on this beautiful day. We started with a run through the park to the fly and then looped back around to the front of the park. Then …