Fight Club
Fight Club

Krazy Fight Club

YHC has never been called a runner. He hates running. He has spent his life avoiding running and even walking of any significant distance. F3 came into his life and now he runs. YHC loves and hates F3. YHC is also competitive, so when he saw the beatdown that the …

Q vs. Q at Fight Club

Our friend F3 Bono from F3 ENC reached out to us a few months ago about an idea they were using at one of their AOs – Q vs. Q.  The idea is simple, start with a five minute warm-up, then for the next 40 minutes two Qs battle it …

mano a mano

YHC bounced alone on this cold fall morning at the Fight Club waiting for the next challenger to step forward and face the best A/O in F3 New Orleans, maybe the best A/O in the F3 Nation. No other site can best the history of the Fight Club as the …

Three is the Magic Number

Well Fight Club is destined to be a workout for three. It doesn’t matter who drives out or stops by for a random morning beatdown, we will always have three. YHC will thrilled to see War Eagle arrive, knowing that JV and Hawg were on the way, YHC was excited …

Round #2 – A Step Up

Likely that it was actually a step down, or a step back, but nonetheless three men met in the early morning gloom of Kenner-brah and this is what went down. Warm-up YHC gave the disclaimer and we proceeded on a warm-up lap, passing by the police station, up the levee …