
Little Humid Today?

yes… I saw the Gipper statue whip out his hankie and wipe the brow of his over-sized head Guess the cool mornings are gone for the next five months or so. Anyways, it was still a good day to run all-over downtown Covington. and it went like so… short disclaimer …

Running In Circles

There were a couple of noteworthy things at this morning’s beatdown: Bubba’s victorious return after a lengthy F3 hiatus, Moby’s first completed workout since suffering an ankle injury, and Maverick’s remarkably prompt arrival at the Gipper!  T-claps to all these men for stepping it up. So… after a month of …

to be continued…..

Instruction received from a previous email posted by Northshore core Turbo who by the way will probably post a .5 on the ISI for his pre thang run sparked this Q to dive into the Lexicon in preparation for the Gipper beatdown. Had I known the astronomy lesson would incur …

Carpe Diem Convergence

The F3 Nation knew about YHC before YHC knew about the F3 Nation.  You see, YHC’s brother-in-law, Lynchpin, lives in Charlotte.  In the early days, before the F3 Nation planted its flag in NOLA, Lynchpin routinely and enthusiastically regaled YHC with stories of legendary beatdowns and CSAUPs, tongue in cheek …

Hopping at the Gipper!

4 PAX converged on the Gipper for a hopping good time. QIC arrived with Steve at the AO with Turbo actively trying to stake the shovel in the ground or maybe he was trying to break ground to hide Easter eggs for the upcoming holiday. Either way, the earth was …

Another day at the Office

Another beautiful morning at The Gipper and another beat down in the books. Warmup of lateral lunges, airplanes, seal jacks, squats and forward lunges.  All 20x IC. Mosey to the Justice Center for some 11s.  Merkin/Shoulder Taps combo at the bottom of the stairs, In and Out Squat Jumps at …