
Methane Crew

Beautiful AM 65 degrees and a cool breeze. Wanted to take a nice reverse lap up and around the FLY. Disclaimer We moseyed to the soccer goal in front of Audubon Zoo. COP 1:  SSH x 20, Imp Walker Squats x 20, Peter Parkers x 20, Dying Roaches x 20 …

The Other Mountain

Fun time in the gloom this morning with a great turnout.  Obviously inspired by Hawg’s presence, the PAX amped up the mumblechatter to near-Metry levels and kept it going throughout the workout.  After a quick disclaimer, we took the traditional stroll up and down the Avenue and set up in …

Back in the Saddle…

So after a sun-filled week in Orlando with the M and 2.0’s,YHC was ready to get back to the regular beatdown with his F3 brothers.  So much so, that we even suspended the no-burpee Monday rule.  Apparently one week of no burpees equals a burpee pyramid.  After disclaimer 16 PAX …

Brown Bags Bananas

Brown Bag doesn’t know how to do backblasts.  So I have some OCD issue that requires a bb – so I will post this for our beer brewing troglodyte. In reality it was nice of Brown Bag to step up for Chiquita who claims he can’t remember the names of …