

It was a beautiful morning for a SOLID workout.  DISCLAIMER, let’s mosey.  On the way to the Foundry we found some grass next to a pond to warmup: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -Mt Climbers x 30 IC -Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 ea dir) -J-Lo’s …

610 Stomp and Crawl

YHC arrived at City Park to find 2 strangers in the gloom – My Pleasure (from Raleigh) and an FNG he brought with him.  Coming from Raleigh to bring an FNG to the stomp – NICE WORK! Today’s workout: 30 minute out-and-back along the bayou, meet at the track for …

Spartacus II – the Intro

Eight men posted to Rock City excited to see the improvements to the perfect workout.  DISCLAIMER, let’s mosey… COP: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -Mt Climbers x 30 IC -Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 ea. dir.) Grab a rock, medium, one you won’t drop on your head…Let’s …

610 Stomp#124

Pacecar spent the last Stomp in the kennel while YHC was off celebrating the New Year in Texas, but she was not going to miss today. Somehow knowing it was Tuesday, Pacecar stuck to YHC like white on rice while YHC was getting ready. Arriving at the AO about two …

Back To Work

Pre Thang: YHC has been on IR/family duty since some time in September and has posted only a handful of times over the last few months… Feeling the need to do more than run has been overwhelming. Today in the 36 degree gloom at 05:20 the shovel flag was planted …

Rock ‘n’ Run

The Pax showed up in good spirits on this beautiful Monday. Amnesty remarked what a cool August morning this was, with only a tepid 70% humidity. However, there was a bit of a stank in the air, “similar to the gutters of Hong Kong.” Ask JV about that one, apparently he …