
Back to the Basics

YHC signed up to Q long before knowing Tuesdays would become interval running days. The solution was simple, no running and do some quality exercises, Tabata style. Disclaimer was given and we did a short mosey to the commuter bus stop. COP #1) Warm Up 20 X SSH, 20 Jlo’s, …

Round Robin

4 PAX gathered on another hot, humid, gloomy morning with a notable person missing, the Q. Could be part my fault, I did tell Cowbell I’d remind him Sunday – but he reassured me he had it on the calendar. We pressed on nonetheless, with a round robin working the …

Burpee Crowd Pleaser

Ok ok, last week got away from me. But, here is the backblast nonetheless. 11 men met out on a beautiful morning in at the Gipper. COP #1: Warm up (All IC X 20) SSH, IW, Hillbillies, Arm Circles (x10), Jlo’s, Grass Grabbers, Toe Touches. Mosey to the Justice center …

1 Mile Time Trial

Writing this in a hurry, so i’ll keep it short and sweet. 9 pax gathered this beautiful gloom for the first 1 mile time trail. YHC has had this on his mind for a long time to set a baseline for himself as well as the rest of the pax. …

The Quick Killer

After missing 2 Q’s last week (1 was excused), YHC was up to Q again and HAD to make it, tropical storm or not… Surprisingly, the rain had stopped after a full 24 hour downpour. There was no excuse now! YHC showed up 2 minutes late due to a downed …

Full-On Irish Beatdown

Inspired by St. Patrick’s use of a shamrock to explain the mystery of the Trinitarian God, we soothed our anxious souls in the gloom this morning with a full-on Irish, trinitarian beatdown. Warm-ups were SSH, Seal jacks, arm circles, Windmill’s IW’s, high knees, and butt kicks. Then, after a moseyed …