Colonel Mustard
Colonel Mustard

The 4th F is for “Fun”

The early moring parade goers in Mid-City were treated to some sweet F3 eye candy on Saturday for the 4th annual Mardi Gras Mambo aka Endymion Run.  Our krewe consited of 22 PAX eager to start the day off right and get in the carnival spirit.  YHC had stewed on …

Run Mountain Run

37 Pax showed up on this cool Friday morning for some fitness and fellowship. YHC was leading a run up the mountain, and 86 lead the Angry (Tepid) Wave for some miles around the Tulane and Loyola campus. The usual disclaimer and off we go. We started with our usual jog, making …

Halloween Beatdown

19 PAX gathered in the spooky gloom that is Audubon Park on this Halloween morning.  Surprisingly, not one person was in costume,after some mumble chatter on the group text about that the previous day .  YHC had planned to do a Richard Simmons costume complete with a glittered F3 logo …