Colonel Mustard
Colonel Mustard

Foundry McDeuce

13 men arrived at the Foundry on a really beautiful May morning. Clear skies, cool, sun rising. Days like this really make you appreciate the beauty in the world, and make getting out of bed worth it. Enjoy it while it lasts fellas, because the heat is coming. A disclaimer …

Tee-Tee Returns

Thanks to Douille for giving up his birthday Q so I could lead a 3-year anniversary beat down. I meant to give him a shout out during the work out and totally forgot so please tell him happy birthday next time you see him. I racked my brain to come …

Coupon H8

YHC is nothing if not not creative. After employing the pax at Popeyes a couple weeks back to transport coupons back to the flag, and noticing how little fun we all had doing it, the idea of a coupon run was born. Luckily, I overbought pavers a while back for …

Lost Left Eye

8 men arrived at the Foundry in the dark. Sadly, we lost one along the way, but were reunited in the end. The usual disclaimer and off we go. We moseyed down Roosevelt Mall, and stopped half way for the warm-up COP. SSH x 20 IC, IW x 20 IC, …