
Ivan is coming

South Louisiana storms woke YHC at 3:00 a.m. and he worried that the Northshore F3-bros would have to scrub another mission due to the elements, but when I arrived at the AO storms had cleared and we were go for launch. CONDITIONS I don’t have the stats for the weather …


CONDITIONS YHC didn’t check the conditions but it was shockingly warm and humid for November.   THE WARM UP All exercises in cadence, but tbph the count on the High Knees was pretty shaky. -SSH -Good Mornings -Abe Vigodas -Imp. Walkers -High Knees THE THANG Magnificent 7 Leg-o-rama 1. Maraviches/pistol …

TrUe DowN PAINmeNT!!

Saturday gloom is nothing less than amazing in the cool of November. Q seems to have gotten a reputation to bring true down PAINments considering Q plays no games!!! With a 630 prompt start it goes like this… Warmarama: 20 SSH ic 15 windmils ic 15 toe touches ic 15 …

Healing Rain

It’s a different experience to be out in the pouring rain when you want to be, as opposed to when you’re forced to be. You’re awash in the life-giving waters that sustain and replenish, instead of the feelings of rush and panic that come with the mad dash from one …

The 41 Club!

With some of the regulars MIA this morning at the Scramble, it was purely coincidental, but all 3 PAX posting in the Gloom had one thing in common-we are all 41 years of age.  And, yes, we all wish we ran as well as the other more noteworthy #41 common …

The Usual Suspects

The usual suspects rolled in from the Gloom at their usual times this morning, Maverick hitting the tarmac just in time to join the warmup of dynamic stretching exercises up and down the fake train platform at the Covington trailhead:  lateral SSHs, lunges with a twist, lateral lunges, a variety …