Cliff Notes
Cliff Notes

Blocks Under Your Tree

Workout Log Sat – 8/3/2018 18 men showed up well rested with normal Sat expectations for a good sweat….and the hint that gloves were recommended! Quick disclaimer – off for a mosey to our playground. Circle Up for WarmUp – keep is simple all in cadence x 16 4 count …

Deck of Animal House

July 28th, 1978.  A big date for all of us of a certain vintage. Yes, that’s right.  40 years ago today, Animal House made its debut.  YHC arrived at 6:20 to a moment of confusion.  “Dean Wormer” was there – and it took several minutes for the PAX to realize that …

Backblast – Catfish Saturday VQ (2018-07-14)

Greetings folks, Had a great workout this morning with Mr. Catfish’s Virgin Q. Attendees:  Catfish, Rudy, Mahatma Ice, Da Parish, Reluctant Yankee, Cliff Notes, Tool, Babyface, Triple Shift, Fracsac, King King, Mambi, Woz, Gabrielle, Medulla Oblongata, Bogey, Cooch, Calliope, Jinglevader, Dewey, Pie Gow, Abacus, Moist, Belloq, Whoop, Two Yutes Also …