City Park
City Park

Sunday Funday

YHC arrived at the Renaissance AO about the same time as Hokie Pokey, and the assumption was we would be the only Pax to post. With time approaching 6:00 we thought about a run down the Bayou, until another vehicle came along, and with Gumby it made us three. With …

The Wrath of Barry

Jim Cantore scared all of New Orleans when he unexpectedly showed up at the New Orleans Lakefront this week. The F3 Nola Pax were confused, as his appearance at Okwata was on Friday, which was a day late, Okwata workout is Thursday. So several Pax reached out to him on …

No Shorty, No Problem

YHC arrived with a couple minutes to spare, looking forward to a classic Shorty beat down. What would Shorty deliver this day? Gassers? At 0629, it was evident the Shorty beat down would have to wait, for no better reason than “No Shorty.” The 10 Pax agreed that it wouldn’t …

The Renaissance Lives

YHC remains committed to making the Renaissance on Sunday mornings a regular thing. Rolling in hot to Q the best Sunday AO outside of Uptown, YHC joined the other Pax to get things going. But first, a brief disclaimer, and then….. Warmup SSH IC x 31Abe Vigodas IC x 10Grass …

It Takes 2

You know that song! It was a popular (maybe still is) play in the clubs by names I can’t remember. Upon looking it up, turns out it was Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock……….YHC would have lost that Trivial Pursuit question. “It takes two to make a thing go right, …

The Birth of the Renaissance

Last week was technically supposed to be the official launch of the new Sunday AO, but Mother Nature prevented anyone beyond YHC from actually posting. With fair weather and high humidity, 6 men, including 1 FNG, met near NOMA to celebrate the actual official launch of the new AO. No …

Becoming a cone-oisseur

YHC hasn’t been posting nearly as much as he should, and there may have been a chance for a fartsack this day as well, except that Mambi was on IR, and unable to Q his long awaited One Year Maniversary Epic Beatdown! When YHC was asked if he would take …