City hall Scramble
City hall Scramble

1 Mile Time Trial #2

12 strong showed up for the 2nd running of the 1 mile time trial. We started off with some light active stretching: 15 X SSH 15 X Mountain Climbers 15 Leg Swings, L&R and Forward/ Back 15 X 4 corner hops Skips down the parking lot 1 mile warm up …

Cool Runnings

With a majority of the PAX still reeling from Week 3 of the IPC, YHC knew the turnout would be relatively light for today’s Scramble. With a light breeze making for some “relatively cool temperatures”, the minor break from the heat and humidity gave the PAX a September reprieve. The …

Pacing partners!

With this week ending the impressive 57 consecutive days of Jose10k posting, YHC had concerns he would be running alone on this Gloom. Especially after the arrival of all the sub 7s started showing up. Great news is Chewy decided to show up but quickly stated as we began to …

Site Q default!

Well, well, well, our very own Head of the headlock and Captain of CSAUP Mr. BUSHWACKER himself ghosted our PAX at the Scramble on this Gloom.. No worries though, with a solid PAX of numbers posting this week at each AO it inspired this site Q to go ahead and …


Over the past 6 months since since the quarantine, there have been many different routes / variations / themes (speedy’s sprints come to mind) taken for the weekly F3 5K. Today, YHC decided to take the 5k Scramble back to it’s roots, which is around the loop, then all the …