
Ice Cold Tabata

16 PAX joined in despite NOLA being 31 degrees. After a quick disclaimer we got right to it. Warmup: Butt kicks, karaoke, Kim Jin Un through the light poles. Head to the field For some quick SSH, Windmills, Grass Grabbers. Head on down to the front of the zoo and …

Happy Veterans Day 11/11/19

17 other PAX joined YHC on this sunny, clear Veterans Day at 60 degrees for a Skinny beatdown. YHC couldn’t ask for a better day. We moseyed to the band stand with the following warmups in cadence: forward arm circles x 10, backward arm circles x 10 (thank goodness Seaman …

The Skinny 10/21

23 brave men including one FNG gathered in the gloom on this Monday morning. Warmup: Run around golf course parking lot then to bandstand for: SS Hop x 20 Arm Circles x 10 forwards and backwards (With traditional Seaman backward count) Hillbillies x 20 Mountain Climbers x 20 Peter Parkers …

The other anniversary

A disclaimer and we were off. I intentionally signed up for this Q so that I could mark my 5th year. Mosey’d to the field by the WW1 Memorial. SSHx 20, Imp Walker x 10, Imp Walker Squats x 10, Squats x 15, Mtn Climbers x 15, Dying Roaches x …

9/11 Stair Climb #2

The first known 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb event occurred on September 11, 2003 during “Operation Enduring Freedom” in Parwan Province, Afghanistan. Albuquerque Fire Department Lieutenant Charles Cogburn scaled a two story building 55 times wearing body armor, a helmet and an M-4.  Lt Cogburn returned home and on the following September 11th (2004) the climb was …

Friday 13th

Thirty something men assembled in the gloom under a full moon to celebrate Friday the 13th. Apparently the next time a full moon falls on Friday the 13th is 2049 so I hope y’all enjoyed it. I also hope Jadaveon will remeber all of us when he is the sole …


I have been to many F3 workouts over the past 21 months, all of which have been great in their own way. But this time I was hoping to do something a little different. At a sales meeting earlier this year, my company had an 80’s themed party that my …

Four play Fore

There were no holes-in-one, but this is two backblasts-in-one… FIRST: Typical turnout at Wolfpack Mountain with a sub-krewe of ruckers showing up for their training. Those compact packs easily outweigh a fully stocked golf bag. Serious respect. Quick warm-up with SSH, mountain climbers, grass grabbers, and then mosey to WPM. …