
CBGB Block Party

YHC has appreciated the staged “coupons” at the Skinny and Birdcage, and after some creative festivities by Medulla Oblongata (see Halloween and Christmas) thought it appropriate to greet the new year with 36lb CMUs. Disclaimer, block party announcement and we’re off. WARM UPMosey the parking lot, back behind the bandstand. …

21s on the river

It was cold morning so after dodging a bus on magazine st, we warmed up with twenty ones at the zoo, dips and LBCs. And we went on a leisurely mosey down to the river for some more twenty ones of mericans and real Freddie Mercury’s. The fearless Q bit …

Getting back to Skinny

This morning we pushed ourselves for a long lap around Audubon and The Fly – almost 3.5 miles.  Nice work, men. We started out with some warmups in place: 20 x SSH 10 seconds of left-leg-over-right followed by 10 of right-over-left 10 x windmills We then did single line Indian …

An A-Mazing Morning

The Skinny was looking pretty skinny this morning.  Did Medula hypnotize everyone to post at Rock City?  Oh well, it’s always an amazing morning.  So after a Q&A disclaimer, the PAX was off for a mosey to the Labyrinth. COP1 SSHs 25xIC Imperial Walkers 25xIC I Don’t Knows (arms to …

First Q at the Mountain

YHC texted the planned QIC, Tinkles, last night requesting the Q for Wolfpack Mountain.  YHC was on the schedule prior to Halloween and was unable to fulfill his duties.  This seemed like a good make-up date.  Tinkles humbly obliged and the Downpainment was underway. W/U Mosey down the neutral ground to Walnut …