Workout Vaggy Style – from Vagabond
Warmup 30 reps and sprint to flag across field mosey back: pushups Sit-ups Squats Shoulder taps 2 is one LBCs Bobby Hurley plank jacks Flashers Lunges 1 is 1 Pax choice Sunday Mornings Circle Burpee 0
Warmup 30 reps and sprint to flag across field mosey back: pushups Sit-ups Squats Shoulder taps 2 is one LBCs Bobby Hurley plank jacks Flashers Lunges 1 is 1 Pax choice Sunday Mornings Circle Burpee 0
Run around park do some burpees to gazebo Gazebo walk back and forth over table 9 reps declining to love songs skip song costs 5 burpees 9 V ups 20 8 Alternating toe touches 20 7 Lunges 20 6 Elbow planks 20 5 Nitro Burpees (2 pushups 8ct) 10 4 …
10 Pax joined me at the Renni for what turned out to be a Q training session. All Pax were given the opportunity to call the count in cadence as per the F3 standard. We have no rules for counting, but leadership calls for a standard. Once you master the …
53 degF 81% RH 4mph SE Beautiful conditions for YHC’s Renaissance VQ I knew I wouldn’t be alone since I picked up Thumbwar on the way… though I did not expect to enjoy a party of 18 total PAX. Let’s go to work. 6:29 and Heisenburg and Fracsac were already …
32 degrees this am. One last night of freezing temps. YHC was parked in by his son, so instead of the Mini, Rudy Jr’s Jeep was the car of choice. Gotta say – I love the heated steering wheel. 15 PAX (including 2 DR visitors) braved the cold to join …
1/24/25 Snow Week Uptowner I showed up around 5:10 to scope the AO for ice and do final prep for workout, then back to the flag for 5:29. 5:30 Disclaimer then off to the rock pile for warming up. Had a few stragglers join us along the way. Warm-a-Rama: Abe …
Warm up IW 25, grass 15, windmills 10, ssh 25, Bat wings (arm circles, over head claps, seal claps, Moroccan night club) Bat Legs (up downs, forward kick, back kick, forward-back kick, clock wise circles, counter clockwise circles, bicycles) Time Killer 2 burpees at each light pole stopping at …
Warmup Drag or carry tree trunk 8 counts and burpees along the way Roosevelt Mall x 10 up/back Dips Step ups Merkins Little hill: Bernie Sanders x2 Bobby Hurley x5 burpees x5 Grab coupon x12 curl rows squats kettle bells tricep extensions goblet squats overhead press Football pass with burpee …
Pinewood rallied the Pax the night before and encouraged a strong showing at Okwata. 8 Pax heeded the call including YHC. Upon a quick check of the Q sheet at 0528 YHC noticed it was still empty, and by 0529 Okwata had a Q. Conditions: 35 degrees and dry with …
Joint Q between Chips, Catfish, Fracsac, and YHC to satisfy today MABA goal Conditions: 45 F / E 12 mph Warmup: Slow Abegodas x10 Motivators x7 Forward and Reverse Arm Circles in Tiefighter lunge position x20 Seal Claps x10 Grass Grabbers x10 Mosey across the street to the lakefront Thang …