Tuesday morn at Granny’s – from Chewy
The pax met up for a beat down last Tuesday at Granny’s house: Warm up: SSH x 20 IC IW x 20 IC My climbers x 20 IC SL bridges x 10 IC JF x 10 IC Balance work: Y balance UE x 10 each Y balance LE x 10 …
The pax met up for a beat down last Tuesday at Granny’s house: Warm up: SSH x 20 IC IW x 20 IC My climbers x 20 IC SL bridges x 10 IC JF x 10 IC Balance work: Y balance UE x 10 each Y balance LE x 10 …
What would you say to your brother, who was 2 weeks out from shoulder surgery, when you pull up to an AO and see him standing there in standard maroon hoodie winter-wear and padded compound sling? If you were our own resident physical therapist Chewy, you would say, “YOU’RE AN …
Right at 67 degrees and muggy for our first trip to Granny’s in the new year, where we welcomed the returns of JV and MeatSweats, as well as semi-regular Chewy and Site Q Steve. Back when network TV was still somewhat of a thing, I remember NBC ran a series …
The muggies we live with here greeted us in the gloom, and made temps in the low 60s feel not much cooler than a sauna. With the venerable Steve UNDER the weather, YHC grabbed the Q with all the excitement of a kid on Christmas morn! And so arriving to …
High 60s and humid again at Granny’s, where a Pax of 6 converged to attempt to answer the age-old question: when does something get to be “old”? Warmup (10-20x all IC) – Sealjacks – Toe touches – Cherry pickers – Grass grabbers – Arm circles – Self love Thang Mosey …
8 PAX met up on Tuesday morning for a beat down at grandmothers house. Warm-up included: Sidesaddle x 20 IC Imperial walkers x 20 IC Windmills X 10 IC Glut bridges X 20 IC SL Glut Bridges x 10 IC Scorpion kicks x 10 IC I’s T’s and Y’s x …
Mid-50s and drizzle this morning, but the heavy rain passed overnight so a pleasant start to a Tuesday at Granny’s. Late-arriving crowd had me wondering if I would need to modify, but ‘Whacker and Chewy pulled up just in time for a trio. Warmup (All IC) – Seal jacks – …
6 PAX decided to post the Gloom at The Scramble for the return of routine.. No JV we will not meet at Messina and Monroe this time but may very well in the future, so resist killing the leg workouts at the gym till after Thursday’s.. YHC decided to instruct …
Beautiful weather this morning topping out at 60 degrees. Flags came in quickly as Shooter and JV arrived early and off we went with the mumblechatter. Around 4 years ago, an offhand “You should join us” from Toto began my adventure with F3, so today I thought we’d honor those …
With humidity and an occasional drizzle 7 PAX converged on the Scramble for a mixup of sorts.. Warmup consist of 12IC SSH, Toe Touches, Imperial walkers, Grass grabbers, Hillbillies and Windmills… Broke into 3 groups Ruckers, Runners and Joggers… Plan was to time out Russo and JV for 10 mins …