
November heat wave

CONDITIONS YHC arrived to the AO wearing his mukluks and balaclava this morning after all the chilly posts this week but got to dump them when the temps hit 60°F this A.M. DISCLAIMER Q delivered the classic disclaimer copied from our friend Einstein: “It’s obvious that I’m not a professional.  Be …

Chilly morning

4 pax met up at the Mandeville TH tuesday in the gloom. Ringo returned for his 2nd beatdown, he must be hooked. YHC was the only one dressed in full winter gear at the rest of the pax, decided that 33 degrees is warm enough for shorts. The Thang: Mosey …

Nice Fall Weather

Toto’s Virgin Q Nice Fall weather in the 50’s with no humidity so a nice day to get a beat down and have some fun. Missing a few due to hunting so hope they got their workout in. Warmup: 20 Imperial Walkers Happy Jacks 20 Hill Billie’s Exercise: Clowney IC …

Healing Rain

It’s a different experience to be out in the pouring rain when you want to be, as opposed to when you’re forced to be. You’re awash in the life-giving waters that sustain and replenish, instead of the feelings of rush and panic that come with the mad dash from one …

Steve’s cameo

3 pax posted Tuesday morning at the mandeville TH  including Steve, who was on his one week hiatus from Hollywood. Although claiming to have been mostly sedentary since early summer, he has not seemed to skip a beat. Even if it was just for a week, the pax were glad …

Social Scramble

6 PAX posted at the Scramble on this Gloom. Weather in the low 70s and unfinished business (Bushwacker) would supply the motivation for the PAX to set out at a sprinters pace as we charted our course through Mandeville. Started out with a warmarama Alternating IC 10-15 Good mornings, Toe …

return of the Ei

3 faithful pax posted in the gloom this morning. Eiei came out from hiding toting a few extra lbs but  willing and ready for a challenge! The thang: warm up in parking lot: hip crossovers x 10 fwd lunge w forearm to floor x8 back lunge with twist x 8 …

Some F3 Gratitude

Simply put:  there is a 0.00% chance I would exercise so often and so vigorously without F3.  For that, I am very grateful!  For all of you, I am very grateful! We had a nice turnout in the gloom for today’s Scramble. Our warm up consisted of: SSH x 10 High Knees x …

F3 Thursday, Take 1

There we were, gathered in the 73 degree gloom, preparing for pedo-strata combat like a small band of wearily tremulous skirmishers, ready to embark on Part 1 of, what would be for some, a 2-part F3 kind of day. The insights were keen, though the conversations garrulous as, with the …