
Horrendously Happy

Today was a prime example of the efficacy of the self-EH strategy of signing up to Q. After a horrendous night sleep, YHC was begrudgingly ready to get some miles in with the always semi-chipper PAX known colloquially as the City Hall Scramblers. WARM O RAMA Windmills x15 Imperial Walkers …

Runners of the Scramble

With recent Scrambles producing mixed groups of eight in a half, some nine min milers and the occasional quarter to ten/ten min milers this Gloom showed out a heap of runners.. 5 PAX assembled at the flag for the start of this day.. Mild mid 40s gave the PAX a …

The Extra Mile Is Never Crowded

Unless, of course, you’re running in Old Mandeville, where there are always other running crews hitting the pavement before 0500. First off, t-claps to Coconuts for showing up with some reflective running schwag, instantly making the pax both safer and giving us that “seasoned runner” look (so that when the …

Rise When the Rooster Crows (or, Do Monkey Humpers when the Rooster Crows)

Granny’s house is the only real wild card in the northshore schedule these days.  While other AO’s maintain a consistent crew, Granny’s House can fluctuate greatly.  And it’s kinda nice not knowing what you’ll get – sometimes it’s 8-10 pax, other times it’s 2.  For two weeks in a row, …


CONDITIONS Q neglected to get the weather data, but as usual the AO was extremely dark at 05:15. Tclaps to the pax for using quality, reflective gear to improve their visibility during the scramble. Stay safe F3 bros. We want you healthy and posting. DISCLAIMER Q neglected to give a …

Dodging balls

The pax met up last Saturday on the lakefront and quickly moseyed to Lamarque st playground. (Almost to quickly as the sun wasn’t quite all the way up yet…so a warm up ensued to let the day break a little more). The pax the divided up into two teams to …