No Downrangers – from Charmin
Much to everyone’s chagrin, there were no Downrangers, however there were 5 ruckers and 3 runners for a total of 8 pax who beat the battle of 15 degrees and made it out. 0
Much to everyone’s chagrin, there were no Downrangers, however there were 5 ruckers and 3 runners for a total of 8 pax who beat the battle of 15 degrees and made it out. 0
4.5 got after S&M + 6.5 ran (Charmin was the .5 x 2) = 11 got better in the gloom.…except MacGyver; apparently he redefined “HC.” Expand our circle through EHing and Kotters. Who haven’t u called lately that you should…? +1
While we were minis Scrum fixture, Space Cowboy, due to kidney stones (hydrate!), Madoff, after prodding by Charmin, returned to the gloom for the first time in about two months. It was super muggy and I’m pretty sure the pax were already soaked before we even started the warm-up, which …
Started with 5 Ended with 6. Runner’s ran the Ruck Route, Rucker’s Ran, Overall it was a great day to push ourselves. YHC needed to push himself and Bolt was happy to oblige with a Walk 5 Minutes/ Run 1 Minute and YHC TRUSTED that he would do just that. …
Armed with a repartee of HIM building movements, THC lead the PX is following: Mosey to the JPAS Arm Circle Circuit 15x each set Imperial Walkers x15 8 ct Side Lung Right, Air Squat, Side lunge Left, Air Squat combo meal Moed to the RAMP: #1 Lizard (More like Gecko) …
Birthday Q 19 x SSH (2 count) 10 x Grass Grabbers 10 x Slow Vagodas Arm Circles x30 Forward Backward Seal Claps Overhead Claps Chinooks MNC’s Mosey to the Coupons The Thang “Ages” 11’s but instead of 11 it’s the individual pax’s age. Each round decrease first exercise by 5 …
For once, there were more ruckers than runners, and no KnOTers. That being said, we kicked of the beat down with a count off of 9, then Ruckers rucked, and Runners ran, meeting at the exit of the park. While paces varied, good fellowship and conversation was had by all; …
7 started with 7 finishing. Kennah Brah hit the inclines. YHC rucked the neighborhood. Runners did whatever they do and Rou kept his Knees over his Toes proving his consistency and commitment. Thumb War even found some golf balls. COT we prayed for colleagues experiencing change and gratefulness for new …