
Grants Tomb – from Akbar

Mild, foggy gloom this Saturday as 10 took the red pill for Grants Tomb. In honor of Ulysses S. Grant, our 18th president who adorns the $50 bill, we would mosey around doing 50 reps up and down the Lakefront. Fun Fact: Grant was invited to Ford’s Theater by President …

UNO!!! – from Bushwacker

The dry hot days have given way to rainy humid misery. But turn that frown upside down, boys. It’s time for Fun n Games! A late night/early morning Wack signal sent the PAX converging at the Marsh. WARMORAMA IC x10: SSH, Windmills, Torso Twists, Scorpion Kicks, Fire Hydrants L/R, Self …

Northshore Flickerball Championship and Upper Body Marshmania – from TruCoat

Saturday’s workout included two activities, an upper-body medley led by The Manny at the Marsh and an intense Flickerball match played by 12 of the Northshore’s best at the 30.4-by-90 pitch. The Marsh beat-down included an expansive kit of training aids, possibly depleting Home Depot’s Garden Center, to challenge grip …

Hurt Locker – from Akbar

You’ll know it when you’re in it. Google definition: to physically mess someone up, badly. AKA a world of pain. Unlike the movie – we weren’t disarming bombs in the heat of combat, recklessly plunging men into a deadly game of urban combat, didn’t have to control a wild leader, …