

Brick /brik/ defines it as a small rectangular block typically made of fired or sun-dried clay, used in building. YHC defines it as a small rectangular block to be used in workouts to accentuate the PAX experience YHC loaded up the trunk of the car with 40 bricks. Thinking …

Tee-Tee Returns

Thanks to Douille for giving up his birthday Q so I could lead a 3-year anniversary beat down. I meant to give him a shout out during the work out and totally forgot so please tell him happy birthday next time you see him. I racked my brain to come …

Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!

YHC had a different title in mind for the beatdown today, but God had other plans. YHC arrived at the Muscleship AO ten minutes early in real gloom, rain and lightening. Catfish was already in place and doing somersaults in the rain. Then Bogey appeared out of the gloom. At …

Becoming a cone-oisseur

YHC hasn’t been posting nearly as much as he should, and there may have been a chance for a fartsack this day as well, except that Mambi was on IR, and unable to Q his long awaited One Year Maniversary Epic Beatdown! When YHC was asked if he would take …

Backblast – 2019-02-16

Another day aboard the Mothership. 23 PAX total. Attendees: Catfish, Highrise, Gabrielle, King Kong, Jesus Juice, Screw Top, Fracsac, Care Bear, Brown Eye, Organ Grinder, Tubbs, Angie’s List, Flipper, Rudy, Two Yutes, Dewey, Bongo, Mudbug. We had three FNGs. Welcome Scrapple, Da Crane, and Sunny D! Started the workout with …

The Running Ship

Today’s the day for the inaugural Muscle Ship at City Park, so YHC decided to emphasize the difference between the workouts – for one day, the Mothership became the Running Ship. As the 15 PAX gathered in the gloom (after a brisk 3 mile pre-thang run) YHC gave notice that …